Asian themed slots have always been big business in the UK for some years, and now, the 5 Treasures slot machine, currently released for the UK has really been a treat for all enthusiasts of this genre. The game offers more than 241 different methods to play, including Jackpot Round, bonus games, Single Cash Saver and a Slots Bonus. This may sound too good to be true at first sight, but it is not, and this slot machine is guaranteed to bring you much enjoyment.

When you first fire up this wonderful 5 treasures slot machine: you will immediately notice the bright colors and bright icons on the screen. You will notice that there are actual coins inside, along with several symbols such as the jackpot, the word “lo” and “bob”, which can be used to call a specific jackpot number. Naturally, these symbols are not used in regular video slot machines, and you will immediately notice that there are a lot more graphical elements to this machine. If you were wondering if this was an “HD” machine, then you will certainly want to see for yourself.

This jackpot comes with four reels: At the beginning of each reel, you will see two wild symbols which are blue in color. On each of these reels, the icons will change to red, purple, green and orange. You can use the symbols to spin the wheels and hope that they will fall into the correct spot. However, there is actually an “X” symbol which is accompanied by an exclamation mark on each of the four reels.

When the symbols change, a jackpot prize will be awarded: Once you have spotted these symbols, the next step is to pull a lever, which is located in the center of the reel. When you pull this lever, you will be greeted by a graphic which resembles a large jackpot prize. To earn this jackpot prize, you need to add up all of the numbers that are on the symbols which are located on both the top and bottom of the jackpot prize.

You might notice that there are three different pay lines which will be used in this machine: These pay lines will be in green, red and orange. These colors represent the minimum, maximum and minimum amounts of coins that will be paid out when you flip the reels. Some symbols have additional information which can be seen either in small print or on the icons that are displayed on the reels.

The last part of the jackpot round involves hitting: the coins in the appropriate locations on the reels. To do this, you will need to move your mouse to the symbols that are displayed on the pay line. When you click on these symbols, you will be asked to drag them to the correct position on the reels. When you are done dragging, you will see a graphic that resembles a payoff window.

This payoff window will indicate the exact positions where you will be able to make free spins on the slot machines.